Wednesday 30 May 2007

Rosa Brava 07

The portuguese Army has conducted in April an exercise involving its heavy brigade, the Brigada Mecanizada (Mechanized Brigade). The exercise, called Rosa Brava 07 has mobilized 1.230 men and 267 vehicles. In the same period, and also at Campo Militar de Santa Margarida, where the operational units of the Brigada Mecanizada are based, another exercise - Eficácia 07 - was conducted involving the artillery and fire support units of the portuguese Armed Forces. I made a report on 19th April for the spanish magazine Fuerzas Militares del Mundo.

A M109 A5 howitzer in firing position.

M60 A3 TTS tanks of Brigada Mecanizada whose operation will probably end by 2008 with the reception of the new Leopard 2 A6, currently operated by The Netherlands.

A M60 main battle tank fires its 105mm gun.

The press received detailed explanations from the military evolved in the exercise. The new century has brought new challenges, such as the need of more cooperation with the press.

The following units have been involved on the operations:
Brigada Mecanizada (mechanized infantary); Brigada de Reacção Rápida (the operational and elite forces brigade, partipated with an unit of para-troops); Brigada de Intervenção (medium brigade, a cavalary unit was deployed); troops and equipment from Escola Prática de Artilharia and Regimento de Artilharia Nº 4; fire support units (mortars) from Regimento de Infantaria Nº 13, Regimento de Guarnição Nº 1 e Regimento de Guarnição Nº 3. The Navy deployed a fire support unit (mortars) of the Corpo de Fuzileiros (marines). In the case of the Air Force, F-16 OCU and Alpha-Jet fighters had made some missions, as the Alouette III helicopters in transport and logistic support role.
Na manhã do dia 19Abr07 realizar-se-á o Distinguished Visitors Day destes exercícios, que incluirá uma demonstração do Pelotão de Aquisição de Objectivos e Pelotão de Defesa NBQ e um exercício táctico com fogos reais, integrando ossistemas funcionais de Combate, Apoio de Combate, Apoio de Fogos e Apoio de Serviços orgânicos das Unidades participantes nos exercícios. Desde 13Abr07 até 20Abr07, decorrem no Campo Militar de Santa Margarida (CMSM) e de forma integrada, os Exercícios “ROSA BRAVA 07” (exercício da Brigada Mecanizada) e “EFICÁCIA 07” (exercício do Comando Operacional do Exército).

Pedro Monteiro